October 2018 Newsletter
KAMO Newsletter for October, 2018
Hello everyone,
This is KAMO President Mark Walters with my monthly update. KAMO took part in youth deer hunts through out Wisconsin! The planning for The Joe is well underway. The Northwoods Chapter put together another impressive pheasant hunt. The work that is taking place to bring The MarshPoint Chapter to the next level is steady but in no way a guaranteed success yet. Our finances are strong and we just need to keep this methodical and positive process going while each chapter try’s to recruit new members.
At our August BOD meeting we approved funds for each chapter for advertising/recruitment. I am curious as to whether or not each chapter is acting on that plan.
As always thank you for all that you do for KAMO!
KAMO Mentoring Tip of the Month
Typically from November 1st to December 1st Wisconsin goes through an immense change in our daily high temperature as well as lows. As an active KAMO member for many years. I have witnessed many times that kids are under dressed for outdoor adventures. In other word,s for a 12-year-old to be comfortable sledding down a hill, ice fishing or deer hunting they have to dressed properly.
What works for me and I work outside for my job, is layers, warm air is trapped inside and cold air is blocked from getting inside. Your outfit does not need to be high tech but it should be loose fitting and I am big on wearing a hooded sweatshirt, buying winter boots that are too big and then wearing three pairs of socks.
The advice that I just gave you may sound very simple but let me explain. I sleep on the ground every month of the year and have done so for 29 years. It works!
Tip offered by Mark Walters
News from the Webmaster:
Webmaster Report
The site has been visited 360 times in the past month. This is about a 50% increase. This may be due to time of year, but also may be because of referral from additional sources. For example, we had about 37 visits from three sources (websites) I haven?t seen in the past. 82% of our visitors are first timers who stay on for a little over two minutes and view three pages.
Every change of the season, I will change the picture on the homepage. If you have a great winter picture, please consider forwarding it to me. Thanks to Bob Nicksic for going throug the site?s pages and pointing out some small errors.
Several weeks ago, I sent out directory update request. I haven?t heard back from everyone yet. If you are the person who is using the directory to contact people in other chapters for some purpose, having accurate information is important.
Report submitted by Webmaster Mike Brown
News from the Coulee Chapter:
Four of our mentors took kids out on the range in preparation for a camping/ hunting trip during the recent youth deer gun hunt. Although none of the kids got a shot, we experienced a new DMAP in the rugged hill and valley country just east of Fort McCoy north. The camping is always a good time. Two kamokids kids hunting independently of that group did get a deer.
Some of our mentors have been doing mini duck hunting camps by taking kids out on local waters during the days they have off of school. These adventures are often followed by pizza at Fritz?s place. A recent outing at Myrick Park was cancelled due to rain. All three of our outings there were cancelled due to weather.
We will have a migratory bird/ tundra swan viewing event at Brownsville on Saturday, November 10th. At our November meeting, we hope to plan out activities for the next four months. I have been experimenting with boosting Facebook posts to various target audiences and finding that a more general audience has been interested in our activity photos.
Submitted by Mike Brown
No news from the Indianhead, Baraboo River, nor Meadow Valley Chapters.
Marshfield Chapter update
6 people met for about an hour on October 9th. We had one additional person who wanted to attend but was unable to make the meeting. I facilitated the meeting discussing to the group upcoming activities within KAMO.
There was good discussion on the $500.00 allocated by the BOD’s for advertising/recruitment. Ideas such as posters/flyers at the local sport shop and the potential for a table/booth at the upcoming Whitetails Unlimited banquet in November. I provided them posters which I had and contacted Mike Brown for additional support. Thanks Mike.
I updated all on the process for getting a background check and encouraged those interested to do so. Additionally, I provided details on the upcoming Joe hunt and suggested as many people as possible to attend this event to meet other chapter representatives and learn more about KAMO.
We currently are working on getting the next meeting date set. I was encouraged by the attendance; however we have yet to have anyone step up and volunteer to “lead” this chapter.
We will continue to offer support as needed.
Respectfully submitted
Bob Nicksic
News from the Meadow Valley Chapter:
We had 6 members present at a recent meeting, 1 Kamo kid and 1 visitor. We believe the visitor will sign up as member of our chapter.
We met at Aaron’s place to set up blinds/stands for the October youth hunt. In total we had 7 kids participate in the hunt and harvested 3 doe. Lunch was served (thanks Janine) for the kids and made it a fun day. We had the deer processed and will split the meat up evenly amongst the 7 kids. Many thanks to Aaron and Janine Bigalke for opening up their land for this activity.
We discussed the $500.00 advertising/recruitment money allocated by the BOD’s. Several ideas were mentioned and as a group decided to put this on our November meeting agenda.
1 mentoring activity for the month with Jody taking Keenan fishing.
Our annual raffle was discussed and tickets issued. This is our only fundraising event of the year with tickets at $5.00 each. 3 guns and 2 cash prizes on the raffle. We are hoping to sell 600 tickets.
Respectfully submitted