December, 2021 Newsletter
KAMO – December, 2021 Newsletter
For comments related to this document, contact Mike
President?s remarks – Hello to all KAMO members and friends,
This is KAMO President Mark Walters with my monthly report. It looks to me like our decision to cancel The Joe was a wise one with the recent uptick in Covid cases. I just returned from a hunting trip In Mississippi and let me tell you, it was really cool to see the large amount of kids that were hunting with family and friends. On December, 20th I went to a dinner with the members of The Baraboo River Chapter which also included spouses and it was a very pleasant experience.
I am going to touch on a subject that is important to everyone in KAMO. In August of 2019 I announced at out BOD meeting that I was looking for someone to take over as President of KAMO. I have held that position for 15-years this coming March and I honestly feel that it is time for a fresh face/voice at the helm. When Covid hit I knew that my August 2019 request would have to be put on hold but now it is time. I am actually very excited to listen to new ideas and feel that the right person is out there. We have two excellent Vice President’s and so the work load is not what you may think it is.
I believe my skills were at communication and finding a cash flow for this incredible organization but I am asking as of today for someone to step up to the plate for the position as KAMO President. Just to be clear, I am not resigning, I m asking for someone else to replace me. With time I may make a move of working on individual chapters and the first direction that I would head would be to Marshfield “The Yellow River Chapter”.
As always, thank you for doing what you do for KAMO!
Forms – Second newsletter mention
Every chapter should have a Gmail account with a copy of our proof of insurance, a certificate of exempt status (shows our tax exempt number), the KAMO directory, policies and bylaws, electronic enrollment forms, logos, an inventory of the chapter’s equipment all come to mind. If you would like assistance getting setup like this, contact me (Mike).
Board of Directors Meeting – January – Teleconference – Discuss 2022 dues payment, activity ideas – especially that would be interchapter, set a date for the state convention (whether in person or via teleconference), other.
Chapters that have a WIFA team in their area
Beaver Dam
Coulee (West Salem)
Lake Wisconsin (Poynette)
Marshfield (Wisconsin Rapids, Stevens Point)
Florence (Marinette)
WIFA is an acronym for Wisconsin Interscholastic Fishing Association, an organization offering kids in over 120 school districts fun through competitive fishing events. Visit student to see more.
Why is this mentioned in our newsletter?
These teams could probably use ideas, support, and guidance and no one does that better than you. There is potential to arrange events with both KAMO and WIFA team members present and to challenge other groups…
Now that there is a team in the Coulee Region, I (Mike) would like to be involved with – be a ?guide?,a coach, a source of collecting donated equipment to be given away as prizes. Some of these kids may be interested in activities our chapter is doing. Some of their parents may have access to resources that would be helpful. This weekend, I am taking a team of five out for the first time.
Am I going to steer team members to my favorite honey hole spots? I didn’t see that as a requirement when I read the volunteer description..
Inter-chapter outings Keep in mind an ice fishing outing on February 19th in the Oakdale area hosted by theMeadow Valley chapter.. It is on a private cranberry marsh that sees little fishing pressure,so could really be prime.
A general reflection
We may be operating on a reduced schedule these days, but one thing that remains constant is how much we hear from the families we work with currently or in the past. Recently, I (Mike) ran into a mother who saw me in a store and talked to me for 15 minutes bringing me up to date on how her son is doing in school and on a new job. Another day a young man I mentored was behind a counter at Festival Foods and is now a senior in high school, saved money to buy a motorcycle and is a heavyweight wrestler on the high school team. Parents from another family sent me a holiday greetings text and mentioned that Tim Collins, a mentor for both their kids, called from his Florida snowbird perch to see how the kids were doing.
We could all tell stories like this. Isn?t that a wonderful reward for doing what we do?
Chapter Reports
Baraboo – The Baraboo River Chapter met on Nov 20 at Rivers Edge Resort. We did something new for us, we had a Christmas/Mentor Appreciation Dinner. Since the whole covid thing started, it has been a challenge to get together as a group for outings, meetings and such, so we decided to do a dinner to first say “Thank You” to all the mentors for all that they do and to reconnect with everyone. As no plan you make can always work out for everyone, we had all but one mentor show up. It was a time of great food, stories, and plenty of laughs when our fearless leader, Mark Walters attended. We have already decided to make it an annual event. A couple of our mentors were able to get some kids out during this year’s gun season. With colder weather on the horizon we can look forward to some winter activities and more opportunities for our youth. Take care, be safe and have a Happy New Year.
Coulee – The group met by Zoom on the evening of the 15th.
On December 18th, Kati took a family fossil hunting at Norskedalen Nature and Heritage Center. Near Coon Valley. She’s a volunteer there. They found a snail, a giant clamshell, a crinoid, a few cephalopods, and many stomolites. These fossils are from life forms that existed millions of years ago, sometimes even predating dinosaurs, and in some case, are still around.
Also on December 18th, Randy and Kraig took Kraig?s son, Payton, and a father and son squirrel hunting on a local DMAP property. One mentor,3 parents, and 5 kids went tubing at Whitetail Ridge at Fort McCoy on the afternoon of December 27th.
Dodge County Conservation – Dodge County Conservation KAMO participated in the Beaver Dam Holiday Parade. Had are pontoon boat decorated with Christmas cheer and KAMO banners all lit up for those to see. We also got a huge surprise of a $500.00 check from Beaver Dam area Community Foundation. We will use the funds to help offset the costs of our next planned event. Winter fun day set for Feb. 12th, 2022, Crystal Lake Park from 1.00 to 4.00 pm . Sledding, ice skating, ice fishing and smores. A special shout out to our Treasurer Cierra Kuhn for Applying for and filling the the necessary paperwork and making sure it gets turned in on time, Nothing planned for January but a lot of exciting things being mentioned by a great group of individuals that make up DCC KAMO.
Jim Braker, DCC Pres
Meadow Valley – Group did not meet in December.
Northwoods – Happy New Years!
The Northeast chapter will have a meeting on January 18th to decide on the event to be held on February 19th. Depending on the ice conditions we will either plan a fishing event on Lake Emily in Florence county, or if the conditions are unfavorable we will sponsor kids tubing fees at Keyes Peak Ski Hill also in Florence County. We will be getting a chainsaw donated to raffle off at Leff’s bar who will be sponsoring a county wide fishing derby that we tie in with. Stay safe and warm everyone!
Johnny Johnson from Florence Wi, signing off…